The G7 countries, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, announced a voluntary international code of conduct for organizations developing advanced AI systems, which aims to promote safe and secure AI. The announcement coincides with U.S. President Joe Biden’s Executive Order on “Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence” and the EU’s finalization of the EU AI Act. The UN Secretary-General also recently created the UN Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board.
The G7 released an 11-point framework to guide responsible AI creation and deployment. They called on organizations to commit to the code of conduct and emphasized the importance of inclusive governance for AI. The code of conduct will be a living document that will be updated as needed. Approval for the code of conduct has been expressed by various global government officials. The G7 leaders hope to maximize AI benefits while mitigating risks for the common good worldwide.
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