The medical industry presents challenges for patients, particularly when seeking specialty doctors with demanding schedules. The idea of utilizing an AI doctor to facilitate patient diagnosis and alleviate doctors’ stress has been pursued by IBM with the Watson computer system. However, despite being around for over a decade, Watson’s progress has been limited. The emergence of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and efforts by Google DeepMind to create the Articulate Medical Intelligence Explorer (AMIE) suggest a greater potential for revolutionizing the medical industry with reliable AI doctors.
The AMIE team proposes to gather patient information and provide clear explanations of their medical conditions, as outlined in a recent paper on the preprint server arXiv. The purpose of AMIE is not to replace doctors, but rather to serve as an assistant for wellness visits and consultations. Although the concept of interacting with an AI doctor may be unsettling for some, Google hopes that AMIE will streamline doctors’ tasks and enhance the quality of patient visits by freeing up time for a more personalized approach in other demanding aspects of the healthcare process.
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