The attorney general’s office in New Hampshire is investigating reports of a robocall that used artificial intelligence (AI) to imitate President Joe Biden’s voice and lie to voters during the January 23rd primary election. The call is considered an illegal attempt to disrupt and suppress voting. The voice mimicking Mr. Biden told voters to “save your vote for the November election” and claims that voting in the primary will enable the Republicans to re-elect Donald Trump, which is not true. The call was recognized as a scam by a New Hampshire Democrat who planed to write in Mr. Biden’s name, but others found it convincing.
The White House confirmed that the call was fake and not recorded by the president, and Mr. Biden’s campaign is discussing additional actions to take. The use of generative AI for voter suppression is a concerning example of upcoming election disinformation warned experts. Although Congress has bipartisan support, legislation seeking to regulate the industry’s role in politics has not been passed. The use of generative AI in elections is new, but the tactic of using lies to convince voters to distrust the truth has a long history. Attempts by MAGA and GOP operatives to discourage voters is being condemned as an unacceptable attack on democracy.
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