Nagasaki University and NEC OncoImmunity (NOI), NEC’s AI drug development subsidiary, are teaming up to design universal vaccines for highly infectious tropical diseases. With the use of NOI’s AI platform, the project aims to optimize vaccine designs to protect against prevalent pathogen families in tropical regions. Nagasaki University will validate the designs using their wet-lab capabilities and donor samples collected from tropical field stations. The collaboration has also created the Vaccine Informatics Department at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University. The new department will use AI technology to support basic research on immune protection for tropical diseases.
The Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, established in 1942, is the only research and teaching institution in Japan focused on studying tropical diseases. It operates within the DEJIMA Infectious Disease Research Alliance (DIDA) and participates in the “World-Leading R&D Center for Vaccine Development Program” funded by SCARDA. NEC OncoImmunity is an AI-driven biotechnology subsidiary of NEC that specializes in the prediction of immunogenic neoantigens for cancer immunotherapy and the design of broadly protective vaccines against diverse viral species.
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