The purpose of the ‘Why Try AI?’ (WTAI?) and its website ( is to deliver premium AI news, articles, and reviews to you as concise and comprehensible summaries. WTAI? makes it faster and easier for you to understand and assimilate the rapidly changing news, articles, reviews and training, occurring within the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Prior to WTAI?, there was no other viable AI synopsis website dedicated to clearly and concisely exploring the full effects, across many disciplines, that AI is having on our world and our lives.
The first stage of completing of the website is done. That is, the WTAI? menus, categories and initial posts (there are now 50 of them, and by tonight there will be 58) are finished and working. In the second stage, tags will be added, and initial slugs will be reviewed and corrected. The third stage of the WTAI? website work will focus on connecting its information to social media sites, and vise versa. The fourth stage of the work will involve monetizing the website and adding advertising sources. And, the fifth stage of the WTAI? website work (which is all we will discuss here) will be to create a monthly newsletter, and to allow readers to subscribe to it.
So, it seems there might be a few more weeks of sleepless nights before the WTAI? website is finished, and before the WTAI? project will be 100% focused on creating and delivering AI news, articles, and reviews to you.
Your suggestions and comments are welcome. You can email the ‘Why Try AI?‘ project at